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EV Home Charger Installation UK.

Power your journey sustainably with SolaGuard’s expert EV Home Charger Installation – efficient, reliable, and seamlessly integrated with your solar energy solution.

Your 4-Step Guide to Easy EV Charger Installation

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Instant Estimate

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Schedule Your Virtual Consultation

Our experts will virtually assess your installation site to ensure a perfect fit and provide a personalized quote.

Professional Installation

Our certified technicians will install your charger with minimal disruption, ensuring you’re ready to charge quickly.

Explore the Convenience and Efficiency of Home EV Charging for Your Electric Car

Installing a home EV charger means turning your residence into a charging oasis for your electric car. The charger taps into your home’s mains electricity and empowers your vehicle via a connector cable. The process is as simple as plugging in your car and letting it charge up while you unwind.

Imagine the ease of waking up to a fully charged electric car every morning, all thanks to the seamless electric car charger installation at your property. This method enhances your driving experience and solidifies your commitment to sustainable living.

Home charging leverages the benefits of inexpensive, sustainable energy, mainly when utilized during off-peak hours.

When you pair your electric car with a home EV charger, you also gain the advantage of smart charging capabilities. This technology enables you to dictate precisely when your car charges, optimizing for times when electricity is greener and more affordable.

Selecting SolaGuard for your EV chargers means choosing a package that could include a complimentary home EV charger, whether you opt for a salary sacrifice or the ultimate EV bundle. Embrace the smart, green revolution and drive into the future with SolaGuard’s advanced EV charging solutions.

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Home Charging Point Perks

Electric vehicle home charging points offer unparalleled benefits. They’re significantly more cost-effective, up to five times cheaper than public charging stations, saving you money every charge. The convenience is unmatched; with a home charging point, you can effortlessly charge your electric car overnight, waking up to a fully charged vehicle every morning.

Furthermore, home charging is future-proof. By integrating solar panels, you can harness renewable energy, potentially charging your car for free and making electric car charging at home an investment in a sustainable future.

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Electric Vehicle Charger Installation

Maximize Convenience, Minimise Hassle

Charge overnight, always ready; no more public charging station queues.

Cost-Effective Charging Solution

Significantly reduce charging costs compared to public stations with home installation.

Eco-Friendly Energy Usage

Utilise renewable sources to reduce carbon footprint with your own EV charger.

Effortless Home Charging for Your EV

With SolaGuard, enjoy hassle-free home EV charging and wake up daily to a fully charged vehicle, bypassing public station queues.

FAQ for Home EV Charging

Can I install my own EV charger at home?

Installing an electric vehicle charger at your home is a task that a homeowner can technically undertake. However, it’s strongly advised to have a professional handle the electric car charger installation.

This is not just a matter of convenience but also of safety and efficiency. Professionals ensure that the installation complies with local building codes and electrical regulations. They also verify that your home’s electricity supply is adequate and can safely support the charger. Additionally, a professional installation guarantees that the charger is set up for optimal performance, ensuring you can charge an electric car at home reliably and efficiently.

Should I install an EV charger at home?

Having an EV charger installed at your home brings numerous advantages, especially for electric car owners. Firstly, charging at home is generally cheaper than public charging stations, as residential electricity rates are often lower. This cost efficiency is a significant factor for many EV owners. Furthermore, the convenience of charging your electric car at home cannot be overstated.

It eliminates the need to rely on the availability of public charging stations, providing you with the freedom to charge your vehicle overnight, ready for use the next day. Additionally, a home charging point increases the value of your property, making it an attractive feature for potential future buyers who own electric vehicles.

Can you have a 22kW charger at home?

Installing a 22kW charger at home is possible, but specific conditions must be met. Your home needs to have a three-phase electricity supply, which is not a standard feature in many residential properties. This supply type allows for the higher energy output needed to support a 22kW home charging point.

It’s essential to have a professional assess your home’s electricity supply to determine if it can accommodate a charger of this capacity. While a 22kW charger offers faster charging times, it’s important to weigh the benefits against the practicality and potential costs of upgrading your home’s electrical system to support it. For most households, a 7kW charger is sufficient and more easily integrated with the existing electricity supply.

Which EV home charger is best?

Choosing the suitable EV home charger depends on your vehicle’s needs and your home’s electricity supply. Tesla owners favour the Tesla Wall Connector which pairs well with the Tesla Powerwall for solar energy integration. Another great option is the Ohme Home Pro, known for its smart features and energy-saving capabilities.

Wallbox chargers are praised for their sleek design and user-friendly interface. At the same time, MyEnergi Zappi stands out for its ability to integrate with home renewable energy sources, making it an eco-friendly choice. Each brand offers unique features, from smart charging capabilities to energy efficiency, so consider your specific needs, such as desired charging speed and smart functionality, when making your choice.

Should I get a 3.6 kW or 7kW charger?

The choice between a 3.6 kW and a 7kW home charging point should be based on how quickly you need to charge your electric car and your home’s electricity supply capacity.

Is AC or DC better for EV charging?

AC charging is more common for home charging points due to its compatibility with home electricity supplies. DC charging is mainly used for rapid charging at commercial stations.

Is charging an EV to 100% bad for the battery?

Charging an electric car to 100% isn’t necessarily ‘bad’, but it can affect the battery’s long-term health. Like smartphones and laptops, EV batteries are subject to wear and tear. Frequently charging to full capacity can hasten this degradation process.

Most EV batteries use lithium-ion technology, which can be sensitive to high states of charge. Continuously charging to 100% can increase stress and heat, contributing to a faster decline in battery capacity over time. This is why many manufacturers and experts recommend charging only 80% for regular use. This practice helps prolong the battery’s lifespan, ensuring it remains efficient and reliable for a more extended period.

However, it’s also important to note that modern EVs are equipped with sophisticated Battery Management Systems (BMS). These systems protect the battery by regulating charging levels and temperatures. They can mitigate some of the risks associated with charging to 100%. Therefore, occasionally charging to complete isn’t a significant concern, especially if you need the full range of your vehicle for long trips.

What's the Optimal Method for Storing Solar Batteries?

Charging an electric car to 100% isn’t necessarily ‘bad’, but it can affect the battery’s long-term health. Like smartphones and laptops, EV batteries are subject to wear and tear. Frequently charging to full capacity can hasten this degradation process.

Most EV batteries use lithium-ion technology, which can be sensitive to high states of charge. Continuously charging to 100% can increase stress and heat, contributing to a faster decline in battery capacity over time. This is why many manufacturers and experts recommend charging only 80% for regular use. This practice helps prolong the battery’s lifespan, ensuring it remains efficient and reliable for a more extended period.

However, it’s also important to note that modern EVs are equipped with sophisticated Battery Management Systems (BMS). These systems protect the battery by regulating charging levels and temperatures. They can mitigate some of the risks associated with charging to 100%. Therefore, occasionally charging to complete isn’t a significant concern, especially if you need the full range of your vehicle for long trips.

Is it better to charge EVs slowly or fast?

Slow charging is generally more beneficial for battery health over the long term. Fast charging is helpful for quick top-ups but should not be the default method to preserve battery integrity.

Can I charge an electric car with solar panels?

Yes, you can charge an electric car using solar panels. A home EV charger can be connected to solar panels, allowing you to charge your electric vehicle with renewable energy, potentially reducing the cost to zero.

What is the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS) in the UK?

The Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS) is a UK government initiative offering up to £350 towards installing a home electric vehicle charging point. It’s available to EV owners with off-street parking, with the grant covering up to 75% of the installation cost. The scheme aims to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles by making home charging more accessible and affordable.

What should I know about installing an EV charger on a brick or plaster wall?

When installing an EV charger at home, the type of wall – brick or plaster – plays a significant role in the installation process. Brick walls, being robust and durable, can typically support the weight and fittings of an EV charger without issues. However, care must be taken to ensure the drilling and mounting do not damage the wall’s structural integrity.

On the other hand, plaster walls may require additional support, such as a wooden board, to reinforce the area where the charger will be mounted. This is because plaster is less sturdy than brick and might not adequately support the weight of the charger.

In both cases, it’s crucial to have a professional electrician or an approved installer assess the wall and carry out the installation to ensure it’s done safely and in compliance with local building codes.

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