Pigeon Proofing Solar Panels


Shield your solar panels from birds while enhancing their appearance with Pigeon-Proof Solar Panel Guard. This premium alternative to bird mesh comes in 80″ lengths of black powder-coated aluminium trim, which can be easily cut to fit the edge of your array. The product features an outer corner cap that effortlessly slides onto the trim, allowing you to wrap it around the outside corners without any tools.

In addition to deterring birds, this guard hides unsightly gaps, wires, and rails, giving your panels a sleek, blacked-edge finish. Best of all, installation won’t affect your solar panels’ warranty.

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Safeguard Your Sustainable Energy Future: Pigeon Proof Solar Panels Avert Damage and Maintain System Wholeness.

Pigeons, notorious for their cacophonous and disorderly habits, threaten your Solar PV System by constructing nests underneath, risking injury to the cables or panels themselves. Bird droppings can exacerbate this problem, leading to further complications within the system and endangering your investment in clean energy. A targeted and effective remedy for this concern is solar panel bird-proofing, encompassed within broader pigeon-proofing services.

By implementing a barrier of skirting around the outer boundaries of the panels, the solar panel bird proofing halts pigeons from nesting beneath. This strategic action not only defends the panels from potential harm linked to pigeons but also ensures the protection of your investment in renewable power. It’s a judicious approach to uphold the stability and productivity of your solar energy system with no adverse effects on the panels’ warranty.

Solar Panel
Pigeon Protection

Your Solar Panel Proofing Experts

Pigeon Proofing Solar Panels

Robust defence against bird nesting and related damage, safeguarding energy efficiency and maintaining the integrity of your solar investment.

Contemporary Design

An inventive and up-to-date strategy to solar panel configuration, improving both aesthetics and functionality in a user-centric manner.

Guarantee of Quality for 15 Years

A firm pledge to excellence and long-lasting endurance, offering you fifteen years of dependable performance and tranquil assurance.

Dependable Pigeon Proofing Service for Solar Panels

Choose eco-conscious solar panel bird proofing designed to combat and endure bird droppings and nesting challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does It Cost To Pigeon Proofing Solar Panels?

The cost to have solar panels pigeon-proofed can vary widely based on several factors. These include the size and layout of the solar panel system, the specific pigeon-proofing method chosen, and the location of the installation. It might be best to consult a professional solar panel company offering pigeon-proofing services to get an accurate quote tailored to your needs.

On average, the cost may range from a few hundred to a couple of thousand dollars, depending on the complexity of the system and the materials used for pigeon-proofing. Some solar panel companies also offer packages that include regular maintenance and inspections, which could influence the overall cost.

Investing in pigeon-proofing is essential to protect your solar panels from potential damage caused by nesting and droppings. Contacting a reputable solar panel company and discussing your specific needs and preferences will ensure you get the most suitable and cost-effective solution for pigeon-proofing solar panels.

How Can Pigeons Impact Your Solar System?

Pigeons, particularly feral pigeons, can significantly negatively impact your solar system. Here’s how:

  1. Nesting Underneath Panels: Pigeons often find the space beneath solar panels to be a convenient nesting spot. This can create a cluttered environment that may lead to overheating and reduced efficiency in your solar panels.
  2. Damage from Pigeon Droppings: Pigeon droppings are acidic and can cause corrosion to the panels and roof tiles. Over time, this can degrade the materials, leading to potential leaks and reduced functionality of the solar system.
  3. Cable Damage: Feral pigeons can sometimes chew on or otherwise interfere with the cables connecting your solar panels, leading to faults and decreased energy efficiency.
  4. Aesthetic Issues: The presence of nests and droppings can be unsightly and may even cause problems with roof tiles, affecting the overall appearance of your home.
  5. Health Concerns: Accumulation of droppings can lead to health concerns as they may harbour diseases.
  6. Solar Panel Pigeon Proofing Solutions: Many homeowners opt for solar panel pigeon proofing to combat these issues. This involves installing barriers like mesh or netting around the panels to prevent pigeons from accessing the area underneath. It can be an effective solution to preserve the integrity of your solar system and protect your investment.

By understanding the potential risks that pigeons pose and considering options like solar panel pigeon-proofing, you can maintain your solar system’s appearance, functionality, and efficiency while minimizing any negative impacts caused by feral pigeons. It’s advisable to consult with a professional to determine the best pigeon-proofing method for your specific setup.

Are birds nesting under your solar panels?

If you suspect that birds, especially pest birds like pigeons, maybe nesting under your solar panels, here are some common signs to look for:

  1. Visible Nesting Material: One of the most obvious signs is the presence of nesting materials such as twigs, leaves, feathers, or other debris protruding from underneath the panels or scattered around the area.
  2. Sounds of Birds: Hearing consistent cooing, chirping, or other bird noises, especially during nesting seasons, could indicate that birds reside beneath your solar panels.
  3. Bird Droppings: Frequent bird droppings around the solar panels and on nearby surfaces could indicate pest birds nesting in the area.
  4. Frequent Bird Activity: Regularly seeing birds flying to and from the area under the solar panels, particularly with nesting material in their beaks, strongly indicates nesting.
  5. Performance Issues: Though more subtle, a drop in the efficiency of your solar panels may be a sign of nesting, as the nesting material could block sunlight or impede the panels’ cooling system.

If these or other signs suggest the presence of nesting under your solar panels, there are methods to stop pigeons nesting and other pest birds. Consulting with a professional can help you determine the right action to prevent potential damage and health risks associated with nesting material and pest bird activity.

How easy is the installation of solar panel bird proofing?

The installation of solar panel bird-proofing for your solar panel array is a specialized process offered by our solar panel company, focusing on our bird-proofing services. Here’s how it’s done:

  • Supply & Installation Using Rope Access: Instead of expensive scaffolding, our trained installers use rope access techniques to quickly and safely access every panel in your solar panel array. This method streamlines the installation and saves on costs.
  • Removal of Nests and Gutter Clearing: As part of our bird-proofing services, we remove any existing bird nests and clear the gutters, ensuring the area is prepared for applying solar panel clips and other bird-proofing measures.
  • Biocide Application: We apply a biocide treatment to eradicate harmful organisms, providing a clean slate for installing bird-proofing solar panel clips.
  • Panel Cleaning: Lastly, the panels are cleaned. A hose or water supply is needed for this step, and an extra charge may apply if the panels are exceptionally dirty.

Overall, our pigeon-proofing services are designed to be a smooth and efficient solution for protecting your solar panel array without undue hassle or expense.

What access will you need to install the solar panel bird proofing?

Gaining access to the solar panels is a crucial part of the installation process. Typically, roof access is required to install the bird-proofing measures properly. The extent of access needed will depend on the specific layout and design of the roof and solar panels. Our team will carefully assess the situation and communicate any specific access requirements with you. We utilize specialized techniques to safely and efficiently reach the panels, ensuring a smooth installation process.

If you have any concerns or unique considerations regarding roof access, please let us know so we can plan accordingly.

Is it necessary to add spikes to my ridge tiles for bird proofing?

The decision to install spikes on ridge tiles is generally a matter of personal preference. Most often, our pigeon-proofing solutions for solar panels are sufficient to deter birds. However, if you desire additional protection, we can explore other options, such as bird spikes or post & wire systems.

If you opt for bird spikes, they will be securely affixed using high-strength adhesive. We typically utilize ridge brackets or adhesive bases for the post and wire system. We invite you to learn more about these and other bird-proofing solutions we offer to tailor the protection to your specific needs and preferences.

Do you offer Solar Panel Cleaning?

While we do not offer solar panel cleaning as a standalone or one-off service, it is an integral part of our process when we install solar panel bird protection. When you choose our bird-proofing solutions, the cleaning of the solar panels is included to ensure that the panels are in optimal condition for the bird protection installation. This approach allows us to provide a comprehensive service that safeguards your panels against birds and ensures they are clean and functioning efficiently as part of the bird-proofing process.

What happens if rain or strong winds occur on the day of the solar panel services fitting?

Safety remains our top priority when providing solar panel services, especially as we’re working at elevated heights. Roofs are diverse in nature – some have steeper slopes, and certain roof tiles, like slates, become more slippery when wet. We operate with trained two-man teams, proficient in working at these heights, and conduct a thorough risk assessment both before attending and upon arrival on the fitting day.

What are the anti-bird spikes for solar panels, and why is a solar skirting a better alternative?

Anti-bird spikes for solar panels are devices made to prevent birds, especially pest birds such as pigeons, from landing or nesting near solar panels. While they can be effective, a solar skirt might be considered a better alternative for several reasons:

  1. Anti-Bird Spikes Overview:
    • Design: Comprising thin, upward-pointing rods that discourage birds from landing.
    • Effectiveness: Useful in preventing birds from nesting but may be considered unsightly or degraded over time.
  2. Solar Skirt as a Better Alternative:
    • Complete Barrier: A solar panel skirt provides a physical barrier that encloses the sides of the solar panels, making it impossible for birds to access the area beneath.
    • Aesthetically Pleasing: Unlike spikes, a solar panel skirt offers a sleek and uniform appearance that can enhance the visual appeal of the solar installation.
    • Protection of Wiring and Components: A solar panel skirt can also provide additional protection against weather elements by enclosing the entire perimeter, further safeguarding the wiring and components.
    • Ease of Installation: Solar panel skirt are often designed to integrate seamlessly with solar panel systems, making installation straightforward and often more secure than spikes.
    • Longevity: Solar skirts are typically made from durable materials designed to last as long as the solar panels, reducing the need for replacement or maintenance.
  3. Environmentally Friendly: Both options are non-lethal deterrents, but the solar skirt provides a more comprehensive and often visually appealing solution.

What are bird mites?

Bird mites are tiny, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of birds. Here’s a detailed look at these small creatures:

  1. Appearance: Bird mites are microscopic in size, often less than 1mm long, and can be white, transparent, or reddish-brown in colour. Their small size makes them difficult to see with the naked eye.
  2. Hosts: Their primary hosts are birds, particularly those that nest near human habitation, like sparrows, pigeons, and chickens. Bird mites can be found in bird nests and often become problematic when the fledglings leave the nest.
  3. Life Cycle: Bird mites have a short life cycle, going from egg to adult in about a week. They can reproduce quickly, leading to infestations if not controlled.
  4. Bites and Interaction with Humans: Although they prefer birds, bird mites can bite humans, especially when their primary food source is no longer available. While they don’t typically live on human hosts, their bites can cause itching, irritation, and discomfort.
  5. Habitat: They usually live in birds’ nests, but they can enter homes through windows, vents, or other openings, especially if a nest is nearby.
  6. Control and Treatment: Eliminating the mites often requires removing infested nests and treating the area with insecticides designed explicitly for bird mites. In cases of human bites, topical treatments can alleviate symptoms, but it’s often best to consult with a pest control professional or healthcare provider.
  7. Significance in Solar Panels: Bird mites can become a concern about solar panels if birds are nesting under the panels. This creates a habitat conducive to mites and can lead to infestation issues.

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