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Are you enjoying the benefits of your solar panels but battling a persistent pigeon problem? These feathered foes can cause damage, reduce efficiency, and pose health risks. In this blog post, we’ll explore “how much does it cost to pigeon proofing solar panels UK?”, and the costs, solutions, and considerations associated with pigeon-proofing your solar panels to help you make an informed decision and protect your investment.

Key Takeaways

  • This article outlines the importance of protecting your solar panels for efficiency, structural integrity and health safety.
  • Costs associated with materials, labour and installation should be considered when budgeting.
  • Warranties must be checked before making any modifications to ensure protection is maintained.

The Importance of Pigeon Proofing Solar Panels

An image showing the process of pigeon proofing solar panels in the UK, including the cost of how much does it cost to pigeon proofing solar panels uk.

Solar panels are an excellent investment in renewable energy, but uninvited guests like pigeons can compromise their efficiency and longevity. Bird-proofing solar panels will help maintain efficiency, prevent structural damage, and mitigate health hazards caused by bird droppings and nesting materials. Solar panel pigeon protection is essential for the optimal performance of your renewable energy investment, and addressing solar panel pigeon issues is a crucial step in ensuring the longevity of your solar panels.

Efficiency Loss

Pigeon droppings and nesting materials on solar panels can lead to a decrease in energy efficiency. The droppings can block sunlight from reaching the solar cells, while the nesting materials can obstruct airflow, which is crucial for maintaining optimal panel temperature. Both of these issues can negatively impact the overall performance of your solar panels and result in higher energy bills or reduced savings from your solar power system.

Structural Damage

Pigeons can cause structural damage to solar panels by:

  • Dislodging wiring
  • Affecting the overall system performance
  • Pecking at panels
  • Tugging on wires
  • Building nests that may clog gutters or cause other damage to your roof

The accumulation of nesting materials and droppings can also lead to corrosion of the wiring and other components, resulting in costly repairs or complete system failure.

Health Hazards

Bird droppings and nesting materials from pigeons and other birds can pose health risks due to the presence of bacteria and parasites. Illnesses like Histoplasmosis and Psittacosis can be associated with bird droppings, while bird mites and sticktight fleas are commonly found in pigeon nesting materials. Bird spikes can be an effective solution to prevent these issues.

Keeping your solar panels clean and free from guano and debris can help prevent these health hazards.

Cost Factors in Pigeon Proofing Solar Panels

A solar panel with a mesh covering to protect it from pigeons

Several factors influence the cost of bird-proofing solar panels, including the type of materials used, labour and installation costs, and access methods. Understanding these factors can aid you in choosing the most suitable pigeon-proofing solution for your solar panels.

Solar Panel Skirting

Solar panel skirting is a cost-effective option for preventing pigeons from nesting under the panels. This method involves installing a barrier around the perimeter of the panels, making it difficult for pigeons to perch or build nests.

Solar panel skirting is typically constructed from durable materials like high-grade aluminium and is designed to last for the same duration as the solar panels, usually 25-30 years.

Solar Panel Mesh

Solar panel mesh, or bird mesh, is a more durable and effective solution for bird-proofing. It may come at a higher cost, but it offers several benefits:

  • Made of resilient PVC-coated galvanized steel
  • Weatherproof and rust-resistant
  • Acts as a barrier to prevent pigeons from accessing the space beneath the solar panels
  • Allows air to circulate, ensuring the panels remain efficient and undamaged

Labour and Installation Costs

Labour and installation costs to bird-proof solar panels will vary depending on the job’s complexity and the professionals’ expertise. For example, a simple mesh installation on a standard residential property may be less expensive than a more complex job on a commercial building with multiple solar arrays.

Obtaining quotes from various pigeon-proofing services, including those affiliated with the British Pest Control Association, to compare prices is advisable to ensure you receive the best value.

Access Methods

Access methods like scaffolding or mobile platforms can impact the overall cost. The height of the building and the type of roof can influence the cost of these access methods.

Average Costs for Pigeon Proofing Solar Panels

A residential property with solar panels and a physical barrier to protect it from pigeons

The cost of pigeon-proofing solar panels varies widely depending on the service and materials used. For residential properties, the cost can be quite reasonable, while for commercial properties, the cost can be higher due to the larger scale of the project.

Residential Properties

For residential properties, the cost is dependent on the following factors:

  • Size and accessibility of the roof
  • Type of residential property (detached, semi-detached, apartment)
  • Type of roof
  • Brand of solar panels used

These factors can impact the cost of bird proofing.

Want to discuss your options? Contact us today to for a free quotation.

Commercial Properties

Commercial properties should request a quote for solar panel pigeon proofing, as costs can vary significantly based on the size and complexity of the project. Factors such as the size of the solar array, the integration of panels, and the design of the roof can all influence the cost of pigeon-proofing for commercial properties.

Additionally, some pest control companies may offer bulk discounts for pigeon-proofing larger solar panel installations.

DIY vs Solar Panel Pigeon Proofing

A person installing a mesh covering on a solar panel to protect it from pigeons

Homeowners and property managers can choose between DIY solutions and hiring professional services for pigeon-proof solar panels. This article covers the pros and cons of each approach, assisting you in deciding which option suits your needs best.

DIY Solar Panels Pigeon Protection

DIY bird-proofing can be a cost-effective option, but it requires knowledge of materials, installation methods, and safety precautions. While materials like netting or wire mesh can effectively deter pigeons, improper installation can damage your solar panels or even void your warranty.

Suppose you’re confident in your ability to install pigeon-proofing measures safely and effectively. In that case, DIY solutions may be a suitable option for you.

Professional Services

Hiring professional solar panel services offers several advantages over DIY solutions, including expertise, quality materials, and proper installation. Professionals possess the knowledge and experience to evaluate your situation and provide the best pigeon-proofing solution tailored to your needs.

Additionally, professional services can ensure the job is done correctly and in accordance with warranty guidelines, providing you with peace of mind and a more effective, long-lasting solution. Contact SolaGuard today to discuss further.

Warranty Considerations

A person inspecting a solar panel for signs of pigeon damage

Before modifying your solar panels, understanding the potential warranty implications is necessary. This article will discuss the manufacturer’s terms and provide tips for protecting your warranty.

Manufacturer’s Terms

Bird-proofing solar panels may void the warranty depending on the manufacturer’s terms, so checking warranty documents before proceeding with any modifications is vital. Typical manufacturer’s warranty terms for solar panels include a 25-year limited power warranty, a 10-year workmanship and materials warranty, and a 25 to 30-year linear performance warranty.

Ensuring that any protection methods do not involve drilling into the solar panels or causing any damage to the system is necessary, as this may void your warranty.

Warranty Protection Tips

To protect your warranty while birdproofing your solar panels, follow these guidelines:

  1. Choose non-invasive methods and materials that won’t cause damage to the panels or their wiring.
  2. Regularly maintain and inspect your panels to identify any potential issues early on.
  3. Address any problems promptly to prevent them from becoming costly.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your roof solar panels have proper solar panel protection and are functioning optimally, preventing any potential damage solar panels might experience.

Taking these precautions and collaborating with a professional pigeon-proofing service can help maintain the longevity and efficiency of your pigeon-proof solar panels while preserving your warranty protection.

Preventative Measures and Maintenance

A solar panel with a physical barrier to protect it from pigeons and other birds

In addition to pigeon-proofing solutions, there are several preventative measures and maintenance tips that can help keep pigeons away from your solar panels.

This article discusses the significance of regular inspections and environmental factors that can deter pigeons from nesting near your solar panels.

Regular Inspections

Regular inspections of your solar panels and roof can help identify potential access points for pigeons, allowing for prompt intervention. Inspecting your solar panels for signs of pigeon presence, such as droppings, nesting materials, or damage, can help you address the issue before it becomes a more significant problem. Additionally, regular inspections can ensure that any pigeon-proofing measures in place remain effective and in good condition.

Environmental Factors

A physical barrier to protect a solar panel from pigeons

Environmental factors, such as trimming trees and keeping the surrounding area clean, can help deter pigeons from nesting near your solar panels. Removing potential food sources, such as pet food or bird feeders, from the vicinity of your solar panels can also make the area less appealing to pigeons.

These simple steps can reduce the likelihood of pigeons causing damage to your solar panels and maintain their efficiency.


In conclusion, pigeon-proofing your solar panels is essential to maintaining their efficiency, preventing structural damage, and avoiding health hazards. Whether you opt for DIY solutions or professional services, understanding the costs, materials, and warranty considerations can help you make an informed decision. By implementing preventative measures and regular maintenance, you can ensure the longevity and performance of your solar panels and protect your investment in renewable energy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are solar panels worth it for bird-proofing?

Roof-integrated solar panels are the ideal solution for bird proofing and are well worth the extra cost. As they lie completely flat on the roof, birds, squirrels, and other troublesome animals cannot get behind them.

How do I get rid of pigeons under my solar panels UK?

The best way to prevent pigeons from nesting under your solar panels is to install specialist solar panel bird-proofing mesh, bird spikes and wire systems. Additionally, you can keep your garden clean, clean your panels regularly, and contact a solar panel pigeon control company for further assistance.

How much does pigeon proofing cost?

Pigeon-proofing typically costs between £40 – £60 per solar panel, depending on the size of your array, roof height, proofing system used, and local labour costs.

Do I need pigeon-proofing for solar panels?

Pigeons can create a safe and warm environment for nesting under solar panels. If you don’t proof them, you could end up with a family of pigeons that put your solar panels at risk.

What materials are most effective for DIY pigeon-proofing of solar panels?

Netting or wire mesh are the most effective materials for DIY pigeon-proofing solar panels, with bird mesh wire recommended as a reliable option.

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